There is also an option to download the app. The files saved on one drive will show up after you have logged in. With the desired text selected, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+2 to quickly apply double space formatting to your text.

Go to and select the file that needs to be edited. To double space with a keyboard shortcut, first highlight your desired text, or select everything using the Ctrl+A command. To format texton word online on your mobile device.
With smartphones becoming the epicenter of businesses as well as studies here is a quick guide on how to format a word online document using double space. In the line spacing drop-down menu, you can select single, 1.5, or double spacing. Read How to delete a document in word online? How to double space in word online from an Android device? In this manner, you can easily change the line spacing of an online word document on your Mac system. This menu has a various options available you can either choose double or another option if required.